Cologne, beneath the surface

The appalling sexual assaults in Cologne followed by exposures of similar attacks in Hamburg, Stuttgart, Kalmar, and Stockholm has turned into a critical point in the politics of the Europe, the outcome of which might be a breakthrough for either the extreme right or the socialist left. There is no room for aF middle of the road politics.

The Establishment
The mere fact that most of the perpetrators are refugees and immigrants created an initial false polarization, e.g. asylum vs. women’s rights, the reactions to which ranged from hysteria to deception. It appeared that all of a sudden the German establishment which was known for its recent advocacy for refugees and hosted over a million of them along with the recent pro-refugee movement and many others on the Left including feminists have found themselves between a rock and a hard place: Should they side with women or refugees?

The German establishment including its police and media covered up the incident for a few days before they released the news. Even after the news was widely circulated the government continued to cover up for the perpetrators in fear of ultra right's propaganda.

Merkel’s government is modifying the law to ease the deportation of refugees and immigrants for criminal activities. This measure is in and by itself a surrender to the rightists. Germany and Sweden are both frustrated for the lack of enthusiasm from other European countries in admitting refugees. Now, they found a justifiable opportunity to take advantage of for minimizing the admission of refugees to their countries. Since the New Year’s Eve, Germany has in average returned 200 refugees per day to Austria.

Most of those on the Left deemed racism as the main threat hence they underminded the assualts. This Left, which I often refer to as pro-Islamic Left, got busy with making up some conspiracy theories for which the German establishment provided the best fodder, e.g. its initial cover up. The Left blamed imperialism and German government for plotting the incedent in order to deport the very refugees that the German government had voluntarily admitted! This Left fell short of claiming racists disguised in ‘tanned skin’ on New Year’s Eve to appear as refugees in order to conspire a plot against refugees!

Feminists initially took a more reasonable stand. They came out with 'anti-sexism, anti-racism' banner, however, they ended up with misandry (sugar-coded as ‘patriarchy’) as the root cause of the attacks. The feminists claim that violence against women is the outcome of universal patriarchy; that it has to do with the gender of perpetrators rather than their place of birth or their religion. While patriarchy might be universal, feminism falls short to explain why violence against women is more common in Islamic stricken societies. After all patriarchy is not genetic but it is a social relation. Patriarchy is the outcome of an oppressive social relation in which women are subordinate. Whatever its history, patriarchy is currently reproduced by the inequality inherited in capitalism. Thanks to Equal Rights movement, emerged from within the socialist movement, patriarchy has been tamed in some countries. Sweden is a prime example of that. However, Islamic ruled societies maximized patriarchy and consequently the violence against women is rampant there.Misogyny and patriarchy are inherent in Islam and they are practiced by all Islamic ruled societies. While violence against women exists everywhere, there is a significant difference in violence against women when she is stoned to death for adultery in Iran and a woman whose husband imposes sex on her for which he could be punichable in Sweden.  On December 27, 2015,  Ruhani, the president of Iran admitted in a gathering of Islamic heads of states that "84% of all [global] violence, terror, and killings take place in Islamic world". The feminist explanation is therefore  irrelevant at its best but more likely deceptive.

The above justifications hardly make any sense to any right minded person. We can sum up the above justifications as evaders, conspiracy theories and irrelevant or deceptive. These reactions clearly indicate that claimers are in shock. The shock is real. Germany's Justice Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) was in such a state of shock that he said "No one can tell me that it wasn't coordinated and prepared".

The shock originated form the collapse of an underlying ground on which all the above stood on for the past two and half decades. That ground is multiculturalism. Although the above entities –ie rulers, pro-Islamic Left and feminists- who supported multiculturalism had different motivations for their support, they all shared this practiced concept. The multiculturalism ground - which was already shaken by the fact the IS recruited from within Europe- collapsed as soon as the news from New Year’s Eve in Cologne started to circulate. One of the pillars of multiculturalism is identity politics. The assignment of a religious identity to Middle Eastern and North African population is probably the most significant practice within the framework of multiculturalism. This practice dominated the West in the past two and a half decades. What at first appeared to be a false polarization of rights, turned out to be an unsolvable conflict within multiculturalism. In response to journalists Maas said "cultural background justifies or excuses nothing. There is no acceptable explanation [for the assaults]. For us, men and women have equal rights in all matters. Everyone who lives here must accept that." Nothing could depict the bankruptcy of multicultural policy as the above statement. All of a sudden, the advocate of multiculturalism has no choice but to approach the sexual assaults within the context of universal rights, not 'culture relativism'.

Assigning of a religious identity, Islam in this case, to the M.E and North African immigrants and refugees was not only diminutive, it benefited both organized Islamic forces and racists. The Islamic organizations would use the religious id assigned by the states to claim they represent the ‘Muslims’. They would then demand Islamic schools, Islamic ‘cultural’ centers, misogynist sharia law, financial support, etc. A policy that has thus far segregated a section of the population in the West. As far as the German state was concerned, the segregation was supposed to safeguard Germany from ‘radical Islam’. However, the segregation only encouraged a backward society within Western societies. It created isolated communities where misogyny is highest against the female residents of the segregated communities. This policy has been partially responsible for recruitment of Islamists from the Western born and raised population. Racists too would benefit from the identity policy. They would now scapegoat ‘muslims’ for the apparent backward actions of Islamists.

In a nutshell, if we consider multiculturalism policy as a middle of the road resolution, the thuggish, mass sexual assaults in Cologne has proven its failure. Multiculturalism is therefore the problem, not a solution. The January 9 demonstrations in Cologne were indicative that a middle of the road policy is doomed to fail. According to police, about 1,700 PEGIDA demonstrators gathered in Cologne while anti-PEGIDA demonstrators were roughly 1,300. A recent poll indicated 60 percent of Germans were skeptical towards taking more refugees.

The ultra right and racists
The right did not need to sweat in order to take a stand.  On the contrary, the racists found themselves awarded with a gift from heaven. They received a blank cheque from ‘nowhere’, the payee of which was their favorite: refugees and immigrants. In recent years, the ultra right parties in Europe were able to move from the margin of politics to mainstream[1]. They managed to get considerable seats in the European Parliament and also in Finland, Sweden, and Denmark. In France, UK, and now Germany they are moving in that direction, that is, to be established parliamentary parties. The recent mass sexual assaults would only serve the right to secure its position within Western establishment, if the radical left is kept out of the picture. The establishment's failure in multicultural policy coupled with the blackout of radical Left from the conversation would only let racism to grow into mainstream establishment. That's the main reason behind the German as well as Swedish governments to cover up for the mass sexual assaults, that is, the fear of a change in the fabric of establishment political parties whose losers might as well be SDP (Social Democratic Party) and CDU (Christian Democratic Union).

The radical left
A small few on the radical Left initially -and for good reasons- suspected a political motivation behind the attacks in Cologne, that is, an organized attempt from Islamists to discredit refugees. While this is a plausible scenario but despite some evidence and witnesses that suggested it to be true, it has not yet been proven. This Left has consistently criticized political Islam and the West for flirting with Islamists.  However, both the West and pro-Islamic Left have been hostile towards the socialist Left while they have no problem endorsing mosques and Islamic schools. The radical Left often suffers from media blackout whenever the conversation pertains to Islamists.

I too consider myself a member of this Left. The following is an outline of what I believe to be the root cause of the events in Cologne and elsewhere in Europe:

First, the bitter truth is that the attacks in Cologne and other cities were committed mainly by young, single male immigrants and refugees. This bunch of thugs makes up a small part of the total immigrants and refugees.

Second, refugees are victims of injustice, inequality and wars imposed upon them; however, the ‘refugee’ title is not synonymous with justice and equality, nor this label means Equal Rights. As a general rule, human is a product of his social conditions within a historical context. Political power, the means of controlling society, is the key element in human society and the structure of its social relation. It subsequently determines the level of violence against women. There is a difference between Swedish power structure and that of Iran. The former is a social democracy and the latter is a brutal theocracy. Swedish state lawfully maintains a great degree of women's rights policies while the theocracy in Iran lawfully maintains gender apartheid. It perfectly makes sense to conclude that a state run, systematic misogyny would create an extreme patriarchal society and encourages violence against women. However, state is not the only factor in how society treats women. Depending on the presence and strength of equality seeking movement, the treatment of oppressed, including women, can be significantly minimized.

Third, violence against women, especially sexual abuse, is not specific to Islamic stricken countries. It exists everywhere. However, misogyny and patriarchy has reached maximum capacity in the Islamic stricken countries where gender apartheid is imposed by state. The ordinary people have nothing to do with the imposed misogyny although they would be affected by it. Women in Islam-stricken countries, such as refugee women in Europe are immediate victims of Islamic misogyny.

Forth, the link between the misogyny in the M.E. and that in the West lies in the fact that the West provides organized Islamists with resources through which they practice their misogynist policies. This is accomplished through multiculturalism.

Fifth, a long-term solution to counter misogyny includes integration of refugees. We can now see the impact of applying religious identity to refugee. Islamists construct religious institutions on top of an Islamic id, that is, mosques, Islamic schools, Islamic cultural centers and similar. These institutions would then lead a portion of society into isolation. It creates Islamic run communities that often are hotbeds for Islamic misogyny. These communities pass on misogynist behavior, spanning to the second and the consequent generations of immigrants. Cultural relativism is responsible for the considerably higher rate of misogyny among immigrants isolated from the rest of society. We can only blame the Western establishment for it.

Sixth, the vast majority of asylum seekers are forward looking, equality seeking people. They fled from the rule of political Islam and its wars, Islamic laws, Islamic schools and mosques. The long term problem is not geared towards refugees at all. As discussed above, the second and the third generations of immigrants in the West are currently recruited by the Islamic State. The problem is highly rooted in society and needs to be treated as such without finger pointing at refugees.

Dealing with mobs and hooligans of any sort -be it Islamic or racist- is not that difficult. They have to lawfully pay for the consequences of their actions. What additional measures do we have to take in defense and expansion of both women and refugee rights without encouraging racism or Islamism? Whatever we might consider as the best approach, we need to first define a political framework because the issue is political at its heart. I think it is reasonable to claim that an effective, democratic framework to deal with sexism and racism in long run would have the following characteristics:  secular, pro universal rights and equality seeking.

What could be done?
I believe that any serious attempt to tackle sexism and racism needs to be political and practical. It requires participation of a) refugees and immigrants, b) workers as well as the Left and progressive organizations and/or individuals, c) the Western states. Furthermore, it needs to be addressed in different levels: immediate, mid and long terms.

On a mid and long term level, the refugee’s best option is to get organized. They need to rely on themselves and align with workers and progressive organizations. Their organization could best serve them in dealing with the complex issues of daily life and help them to integrate in the host societies. An ideal refugee organization would rely on equal rights of its member – irrespective of gender, skin color, belief, thoughts, etc of the refugees - while advocates for universal rights (as opposed to ‘cultural relativity’). This form of organization would be immune from Islamists who claim to represent them while it is one of the best tools against racism. The long term solution would include the West ending its assigning of a religious identity to the immigrants. This measure eases the integration of refugees without being segregated and isolated based on a religious criteria.

The immediate response to the horrible misogynist, sexual assaults can only be an all-out condemnation of misogyny and racism relied on universal human rights, secularism and equality of all. The one and a half million asylum seekers in Europe need to join the workers organizations, the socialist Left, and Equal Rights organizations to defeat the mutual interests of racists, Islamists, and the pro-Islamic establishment. The anti-Islamic, socialist, radical Left -- which unfortunately constitute an absolute minority of the Left in the West -- plays a key role; it is the link between the workers, women's Equal Rights movement and refugees.

[1] Austria’s FPO party, Belgium’s Vlaams Belang, Italy’s Lega Nord, the (French) National Front and the Dutch PVV made a colaition in European Parliament

Ultra right nationalists in Parliaments in EU, percentage of votes :

Swiss People's Party (26%),
Danish People's Party (21%),
Freedom Party of Austria (20%),
New Flemish Alliance, Belgium (20%),
Finns Party, Finland (~18%),
Progress Party, Norway (16%),
National Front, France (13%),
Sweden Democrats (~13%),
United Kingdom Independence Party (13%>
Law and Justice, Poland (37%)
Attack, Bulgaria (7%)
Golden Dawn, Greece (~ 7%)
Jobbik, Hungary (20%)

Macedonia is not a EU member but here is the reason behind the hostility towards refugees:

VMRO-DPMNE, Macedonia (43%)


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كمونیست صورتی قهرمان كنفرانس برلین دوم

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