War and Peace in Iran
War and Peace in Iran
Abbas Goya
revision] February 20, 2012
conflict escalation between Western governments and the Islamic republic of Iran (IRI) is unprecedented. People in
the West rightly want to do something about it. In order to take the right
position, a short analysis of the situation is necessary. Let’s first look at
the track record of the two reactionary camps involved in this conflict.
"At one
pole, there stands the most enormous machinery of state terrorism and
international intimidation and blackmail. This camp includes the American
government and ruling elite, the only force, which has used nuclear bombs
against people, reducing hundreds of thousands of innocent and unsuspecting
people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki into ashes within seconds. A state
that slaughtered millions in Vietnam
and razed and ruined their country for many years by chemical bombardments. It
includes NATO and coalitions of Western governments who from Iraq to Yugoslavia , have destroyed people’s
homes, schools and hospitals and have taken ransom the bread and medicine of
millions of children. It includes the Israeli bourgeoisie and state. They
occupy, seize, slaughter and deprive. They bomb and shell refugee camps and shoot
scared ten-year-old children taking shelter in their fathers’ arms and at
school gates. From Hiroshima and Vietnam to Grenada
and Iraq , from the killing
fields in Indonesia and Chile to the slaughterhouses of Palestine , the track record of this
international pole of state terrorism and imperialist intimidation is obvious
and irrefutable for all the world to see."(**)
At the
opposing pole, there stands Islamic Republic of Iran, the stronghold of Islamic
terrorism and the reactionary and vile political Islam. This force that was
once created and nurtured by the US and the West themselves during the Cold War
as a means of organising indigenous reaction against the Left in Iran, have now
become an active pole of international terrorism and one contender in the
bourgeois power struggle in the Middle East .
The Islamic Republic of Iran's resume includes a wide range of barbarity, from
state and state sponsored killings in Iran to a war waged against the whole
population of Iran for 33 years, from the creation of a miserable life through
extreme poverty and exploitation to the gender-apartheid, child abusive, racist,
and homophobic policies, from the bloody suppression of political and
intellectual opponents to imposing reactionary and anti-human Islamic laws on
people, particularly women, from Islamic mutilations and stoning, to daily
executions. These are the highlights in the track record of these
recent threats of war, which has caused a growing concern among the people of Iran , the region and the world, are occurring in
the context of the Israeli government’s backlash in domestic and regional
policies, the political tendencies of some factions within the American and
British administrations, and the circumstances and developments created by
revolutions in the Middle East . So far, the
war threats and propaganda have benefited the most reactionary forces in Israel , the west, the Middle East, and Iran . One of
the consequences has been the activation of religious-nationalist forces,
guardians of the “Islamic system” in the opposition of the Islamic regime and
the escalation of a nationalist defence of the regime from the right-wing
opposition. Thus, we not only unequivocally condemn any military provocation
and action from both reactionary poles of this confrontation, but also firmly
stand against any direct or indirect defence of the Islamic regime or subduing
the struggle for overthrowing of the regime on the pretext of war threats and
war. Let's have a careful attention to the claimed disputes.
The Nuclear program
In March of 2010,
Zbigniew Brzezinski, an adviser to Obama’s administration, said “We
Can “Live With” a Nuclear Iran”. It indicates that the US does not have a fundamental issue with a
nuclear Iran .
The nuclear program is therefore not the underlying cause of the conflict. While
there are strong indications that the IRI is making an atomic
bomb, the people in Iran
not only never approved any nuclear program, be it for energy or bomb, but
the workers explicitly expressed their opposition to any nuclear program.
The US administration is
certainly no judge on this matter, a) it is the only government that has ever
used atomic bomb b) the US
governments have been subject of anti-nuclear movement for decades.
Where should
humanity stand on this issue? If US's "Three Mile Accident" (1979),
the Chernobyl (1986), and Fukushima (2011) disasters were not enough, the current
radioactive tritium leaks at 48 nuke sites in
the US is yet another proof that
Nuclear energy is harmful. A
fundamental stand on this regard is to be against the production, storage, and
use of any kind of nuclear weapons, and energy by any state, including Iran . We need to
be against all nuclear programs everywhere, period!
Who benefits from a war?
Eugene V. Debs, in all history of the world, we, the 99% have never declared a
war against another country. Wars have always been declared by the statesmen
for the benefit of the 1% in the involved countries. That's why no government would
ever hold a referendum on whether wage a war or not against another country. Of
course people would reject it. People know that they will be sacrificed for the
benefits of the 1%, disguised under the benefit of "nation" and
As claimed, bombing Iran
is supposedly not a full-scaled assault with the intention of toppling the IRI
as opposed to Iraq and Afghanistan cases.
It is supposedly to be of the same scale that Israel
committed against Syria in
2007 and against Iraq
in 1981. However, neither the IRI is the same regime as that of Saddam Hussein
or Bashar al-Assad nor in either of Iraq
or Syria
a revolution against a regime was present at the time of bombings. The US/Israel
claim that bombing is to stop the IRI from having access to nuclear weapon. As
the unprecedented propaganda indicates, the bombing will inevitably turn into a
large scale of war. The first question therefore is who benefits from it?
is obvious that any military action by the Israeli government against the
Islamic Republic will benefit the most reactionary currents in Israel and the
West, on the one hand, and the political Islam forces such as Hamas, Hizbollah,
the Syrian government, and the IRI on the other. It would prolong the life time
of all these declining currents. Undoubtedly, the loser of such an action would
only be the people – whether in Israel ,
Palestine , Syria
or in Iran .
In addition to the tragic human costs and destruction of the environment, a
military action or war will militarise the political climate, which in turn
will harm the people’s struggle for overthrowing the Islamic regime in Iran , the regime of Bashar al-Asad in Syria , and the people’s movement for social
Justice in Israel .
The consequences of bombing
It will A) cause
a humanitarian catastrophe which in turn will minimize the focus of anti-IRI
movement in Iran B) it gives the IRI a golden opportunity to blame a foreign
enemy as the main threat to Iran and hence C) it will let the IRI to crack down
the opposition in a scale we haven’t seen since 80s D) It will unite the
regime, even if temporarily E) it will split the grassroots opposition to the
IRI by the poison of nationalism F) The IRI will play the “victim” role in the
eye of international pro-Palestinian/general human right forces. G) Finally and
most ironically, the IRI will definitely speed up its attempt for developing
nuclear weapon even more aggressively.
In short,
bombing Iran
will strengthen the IRI to the point that nothing can stop it from deploying
nuclear weapon to its arsenal. The only ‘elimination’ that bombing Iran might
cause is an attempt for the elimination of IRI’s immediate enemy, that is, an
attempt to defeat a revolution against the IRI.
The real purpose of war
the decline of the power of political Islam, whose backbone is the Islamic
regime, in the wake of the revolution of 2009 in Iran
as well as the recent revolutions in the Middle East ,
the West is now attempting to impose to the Islamic regime a new balance of
power. Sanctions against the Central Bank of Iran and oil purchase from the
country, cutting off its access to the global market and the official economy
along with diplomatic pressures, war of words, and war threats are meant to
bring the Islamic regime to its knees and take it to the negotiation table from
a weak position. The Islamic regime is resisting very hard against this policy
of the West and considers that giving up its anti-western slogans and policies
is tantamount to losing its regional position and is a crushing blow to its
political-ideological coherence and to its ability to repress in its
confrontation with the people in Iran .
Also, the
mere stand off between the West/Israel and Iran is beneficial for both sides
of the conflict. Holding the issue of bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities in Qom,
Natanz, Isfahan, Arak, and Bushehr “on the table”, as a possible move by
Israel, and yelling it out loud everyday allows the Islamic regime to use it as
an excuse for harsh handling of its opposition. Both Israel and the IRI are depended of
having an external enemy in order to keep the “war alert” button on to continue
with their oppressions. Without the mentality of being threatened by foreign
hostility they have to face a great deal of vital opposition!
Economic Sanction
to most of us through the admission of Madeleine Albright interview
with CBS's 60 minutes in 1996, hundreds of thousands of children were
slaughtered during the economic sanctions of Iraq , between the Gulf War I to the
Golf War II. The recent sanctions have intensified economic
impasses of the Islamic regime to the degree of collapse of the whole economic
system. It is obvious that the vast masses of workers and people are the main
victims of this situation who are contending with skyrocketing inflation,
severe decrease of purchasing power, dramatic fall of standard of living, non
payment of their low wages, massive unemployment and social consequences of
this situation such as drug abuse and prostitution. The conflict between
Western governments and the Islamic regime and the sanctions that have
endangered the social life in Iran
are a reactionary act of inhumanity. The economic sanction must stop,
What do the people of Iran want?
situation has intensified the dead ends of and the conflicts within the Islamic
regime in such a way that a fear of people’s rise and a repetition of the
recent revolutions in the region against the regime is daily expressed by its
head. On the other hand, the people of Iran, who drove the Islamic regime to
the verge of downfall by their revolution in 2009 and who follow with enthusiasm
the revolutions of the people of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Syria as well as
the Occupy movement, are not going to be just passive onlookers and victims of
this scene. How we can play a role depends on how we approach the matter. There are
various views on this conflict which in the end approach the political
developments in Iran
in two distinctive ways and hence two distinctive stands.
The pro 1%
this approach events are looked at from the perspective of the power struggle
of the states; ie which state(s) benefits from what action; the questions
raised are: Why/What do the IRI, the US , the Israeli the Russian, and
the Chinese governments do and seek? This approach leads to either siding with
the IRI or the US bloc or
some form of pacifism because it talks about "Iran "
as an equivalent to the IRI, and the IRI as Iran . All of a sudden, there is no
distinction between the people of Iran
and the government of Iran .
"Iran " in this
approach is suddenly the united opposing interests, that is, the IRI,
the 1%, and the deprived people of Iran , the 99%!
addition to the Cuban, Venezuelan, and Syrian governments and possibly N.
Korean (not to miss the mafian government of Russia and the state of
sweatshops, China) the supporters of the IRI include the pro-IRI opposition, also
known as greens or 2-Khordad; a portion of the "anti-imperialist"
movement (more accurately anti-US movement) in the West and the Islamic forces.
That includes the IRI engineered CASMII,
some members of A.N.S.W.E.R coalition
including the Code Pink and the World Socialist Party of the US, the Socialist
Worker Party of UK, George Galloway, UK/US branches of the anti-war coalition
... most
of whom participated in a conference in Tehran last year led by Ahmadinejad
office, met Ahmadinejad in New York in 2008, and wrote
praising letters to him. This front appears to have no problem with the war
waged on the whole population of Iran by the IRI for the past 33
years. It is only concerned about which state will be the “winner” of the power
struggle. This trend favours the IRI and doesn’t seek the abolishment of the
nukes and/or any nuclear program everywhere; it appears to be solely concerned
about the monopoly of the nukes!! This stand did not even once condemn the
terror act of the IRI against thousands upon thousands of the IRI opposition
including workers’ leaders, intellectuals, political oppositions…YET it is
concerned about which state assassinates which figure of the other side. This
approach is conditionally against terrorism:
Terrorism is only bad if it occurs against the IRI figures.
from the Western states which is led by the US, British, and French
governments, the US
bloc supporters include the ultra right opposition of the IRI and the ultra
right currents in the West. This trend cares nothing about the people, it
favours economic sanctions no matter if it substantially adds to the misery of
millions. It favours war, it justifies the massacres that will occur as a result
of the war under the pretext of its opposition to the IRI. The Western
governments, US in particular, tried to assemble a "government in
exile" consisting of the pro-Western faction of the greens, the traditional
pro-West opposition, nationalists (including nationalist-left), and separatists.
On June 11, 2010, the entire members of this reactionary opposition met in
Paris and later on Guadalupe including Mohsen Sazegara (the
founder of the notorious IRGC and a leading figure of the "greens"), Mohsen Makhmalbaf
(disguised as a filmmaker, a "green" leader, a propagandist of the
early days of the IRI), Amir
Hossein Jahanshahi (a billionaire in Paris/London, the IRI accused him as an
collaborator with the Israeli government), Abdollah Mohtadi (a Kurdish,
nationalist left), Ali
Reza Noorizadeh (a pro-IRI "opposition" journalist), Mehrangiz Kar (a pro-IRI
"opposition" figure). The main figure of this group, Mohammad Reza
Madhi, a supposedly influential defected general of the IRI who would supposedly
arrange a coup d'état against the IRI, ended up to be an IRI infiltrator! The
whole project was dumped once Madhi appeared in the IRI TV
exposing the US/Israeli governments attempt. In the
latest attempt, the Olof Palme Center
in Sweden arranged a meeting
of all these figures in order to create an alternative for the IRI labelled as "Unity
for democracy in Iran". This hidden meeting that took place on February 4,
and 5 was later on exposed to the IRI opposition. A protest was held in
front of the building and the protesters exposed the intention of the
participants in that gatering. Interestingly enough, most of the participants
at Olof Palme Center
were identical to that of 2010 "government in exile" project. This ultra right trend would do
whatever it takes, including acting as US puppets or sleeping in bed with the
US/Israeli governments, in order to block a direct move form the bottom,
by the masses in Iran
typically in form of “peace” seeking, desires restoration of the power balance
between the conflicting states prior to their heated war propaganda. This view
a) legitimizes the 1% states of the IRI and the West and b) it fails to address
the 33 years long, IRI imposed economic and military war against a whole
all sides of this approach cares only about the wining side of the 1%, either
the 1% of Iran
(the IRI), or the 1% of the West (Western states). At best it seeks the
restoration of power balance between various 1%
The pro 99%
approaches the events from the perspective of the benefits for the 99% in Iran regardless
what the 1% want and do. This approach seeks freedom and equality for all. This
approach remains the staunch opposition of the IRI; seeks the overthrow of the
IRI, that is, the root cause of the misery for the 99% in Iran, via revolution
no matter which state seeks what objective.
99% firmly stands against all attempts to support the Islamic regime on the
pretext of economic sanctions and war, or to legitimize the Western
governments’ scenarios of a change from above. Any military aggression,
militarization of the society, plans of “regime change” from above or support
of the Islamic regime on the pretext of war. The 99% consider the only way to
confront any prospect of war and militarism to be the expansion of the struggle
against the Islamic regime and its overthrow by a people’s revolution.
concern of this view is the poverty imposed upon workers via direct reign of
the vicious capitalist IRI or via IRI’s implementation of the IMF austerity
plans. Note that after a set of recommendations by the IMF in 2010, the Islamic
regime of Tehran cut the subsidies on basic needs, such as food and gas, and
made the capitalist system wide open for free, savage market economy. The IRI
implemented all IMF's recommendations to the point that IMF praised the
IRI as the first country in the world that could successfully implement all
the recommendations. This set of recommendations was enforced on the working
class of Iran
by means of killings and imprisonment of workers, intellectuals and political
opponents. While the chances of a war between the two poles of reaction is
slim, the real war of the IRI on the working class of Iran started 33 years ago
and it continues via implementation of the IMF austerity recommendations.
What the 99% in Iran
demands includes
Women’s equality vs
gender-apartheid of the IRI
Children’s rights vs child
abuse policies of the IRI
Freedom of expression vs brutal,
despotic reign of the IRI
Freedom of all political
prisoners unconditionally
An end to the daily
executions, stoning, mutilations
An end to the racism on
Afghan workers in Iran
An end to the economic
An end to the war propaganda
An end to the 33 years
fabricated crisis
An end to the daily military suppression
of the 99% in Iran
An end to any and all nuclear
programs of the IRI and all other states …
put the 99% is determined to end the reign of the IRI. Since it only seeks the
benefits of the 99%, this approach concludes: “No War, No Economic Sanctions,
No Nukes, Viva revolution against the Islamic Regime“.
What can we do?
Siding with
the 99% in Iran , the true
anti-war, anti-sanction, peace seeking people who share the freedom and
equality sentiment for the people of Iran need to raise the banner of
"No War, No Economic Sanction, No Nukes, No Islamic Republic". There is no
room for pacifism, ie abstract "peace". What peace is there to start
with? Is the current situation a "peace" that we need to defend? If
so, why did such a propaganda of war start in the first place? How exactly can
demanding "peace" benefit anyone including the stoppage of a
potential war? Did the demand of "peace" stop the US-led war against Iraq in 2003? I
believe that we need to take an active stand rather than the pacifist
"peace" position.
real way to fight poverty, misery, threat of war, economic sanctions and the
whole present hazardous situation is the expansion of the struggle
against the Islamic regime in all arenas, as well as
overthrowing the regime by the people’s revolution and overtaking the running
of society by the workers and people themselves. With all its might, we need to
fight for realizing this. That would:
Cut the war that the IRI has waged
against 99% of the population in Iran for 33 years
An end to the unbearable suffer
resulted from the economic sanctions
An end to the threat of a war with
the West/Israel
An end to the nukes threat
In addition
to an active support for the anti-IRI movement, what you could do in the West
includes a set of demands to both the Western governments and the Islamic
Immediate stop of Economic Sanctions
An end to the war propaganda
Abolition of all forms of nuclear
application, be it for nukes or energy, on a global scale
Cut all political and diplomatic
ties with the IRI
All the abovementioned demands of
the 99%
conclusion, a true peace, freedom and equality in Iran is equivalent to the overthrow
of the Islamic regime by a revolution.
* Born in Iran , Abbas
Goya is a political activist, a Marxist. His activism includes campaigns for
worker's rights, children’s and women’s rights, freedom of expression,
students’ rights, refugee rights, against capital punishment and stoning, and
against fascism and racism and political Islam.
Some facts
on IRI:
Minimum Wage:
2010: $303/month vs $920-$1000 minimum cost of
2011: $330/month vs ca $1500 minimum cost of
Jan-Mar 2012: $183/month vs ca $2000 minimum
cost of living (due to radical devaluation of currency as a result of
Worker suppression
Children poverty/child workers
Child executions
List of stoning
Executions in 2011
Khalkhali: "I was the religious magistrate and
ordered the execution of five hundred and some criminals and loyalists to the
Shah as well as hundreds of actors in the Kurdistan
and Gonbad and Khuzestan incidents and a number of thugs and drug dealers.
About these executions I have no regrets; I am not complaining and my
conscience is clear. In fact I believe that I didn’t kill enough! Many were
deserving of execution who I didn’t manage to catch. People such as: the Shah,
Farah [the Queen], Ashraf Pahlavi [the Shah’s sister], Ja’far Sharif Emami
[former Prime Minister], Lieutenant General Gharebaghi, Lieutenant General Fardoost.”
Political executions/massacres in 80s
Gender Apartheid: Chronology of misogynist laws
Racism against Afghan workers
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